Residents Invited To Address Margate Mayor About Baglivo Apartment Complex Issues

Residents Invited To Address Margate Mayor About Baglivo Apartment Complex Issues 1 Residents Invited To Address Margate Mayor About Baglivo Apartment Complex Issues

The ongoing saga of the Baglivo apartment complex at 9710 Ventnor Ave. in Margate.

6 or 12 apartment units? Is renter parking banned? Where’s the missing leases? Why so many temporary C-O’s? (certificates of occupancy)

This letter to the editor from resident Patrick Geddes provides another update on what’s occurred since the last Margate Commissioners meeting of 4/18/24.

We encourage Margate citizens to attend and speak up at the commissioners meeting, Thursday, May 2, 2024. Mayor Collins welcomes your input.

Residents Invited To Address Margate Mayor About Baglivo Apartment Complex Issues 2 Residents Invited To Address Margate Mayor About Baglivo Apartment Complex Issues

Geddes: After I spoke at the meeting 2 weeks ago, I went and looked at the 2nd and 3rd floor at 9710 Ventnor Ave. 

Mr. Abbott was correct. There were no 201 A / B signs on any of the doors.

Mr. Baglivo replaced the signs on each door with unit numbers and the last name or names of residents. 

There are a total of 8 single doors and a total of 4 french doors for these residential units. 

There’s a sign on each door with all last names being unique except for 2 signs which have the same last name, most likely a mother and son. 

I took pictures of the 12 doors / signs. This was done on 4/18/2024 after the commissioners meeting.

On Friday 4/19, I did an OPRA request for C-O’s for the entire complex. They were received on 4/23/2024 and showed they have temporary C-O’s that expired on 2/9/2024.

They were reissued on 4/18/2024 as temporary C-O’s again. 

There were several weeks when the units had no valid C-O’s. 

The C-O’s are for 2 bedroom / 2 bath units, totaling 6 units.

On Saturday evening I met a gentlemen who rents at the 9710 Ventnor Ave. apartment complex.  I asked him how many units were in the building. He said there were 12 units. 

I asked him if he parked on the street, not the parking lot. He said his wife parks in the lot. He pays extra for her parking space. He parks his car on the street due to the Baglivo parking ban. 

He couldn’t recall if it was in his lease or not, but he was paying an extra fee to park one car in the lot.

Last week, a neighbor who lives on Coolidge Ave met a gentlemen who rents from Baglivo. This renter also verified the no-parking ban. That’s why he parks on the street. Not sure if he was offered a spot for an extra fee.

Baglivo Margate Mayor Collins

To summarize, the following was gathered from renters and the liquor store owner:

1. One renter mentioned to my wife and I that he signed a lease for a 1 bedroom apartment. In the lease, there’s a parking restriction between the hours of 10a and 10p daily.

2. Another renter said he’s paying for parking one car. He parks his other car on the street. He confirmed there are 12 units in the Baglivo complex, not 6.

3. Another renter acknowledged to a neighbor on Coolidge Ave that indeed, there were parking restrictions at the Margate Gardens apartment complex built and owned by Steven Baglivo.

4. The wine & spirits store owner told me personally and others, the parking lot was for her store. She also said there are 12 units in the complex and all are rented.

I contacted the following city officials with this information. I also sent pictures of the doors / signs.

  • Mr Collins – Mayor
  • Mr. Abbott – City Solicitor
  • Mr. McLarnon – Zoning Officer
  • Mr. Galantino – Contruction Office
  • Ms. Horn – Commissioner of Public Safety
  • Mr. Blumberg – Commissioner Revenue / Finance
  • Mr. Adams – Fire Chief

I did hear back from Zoning Chief Roger McLarnon. He said everything is ‘hearsay’. McLarnon said he needs to hear about the parking situation from a renter.

Roger also said he needs to hear from a renter who’s NOT supposed to have a kitchen. 

I did ask McLarnon if he could provide me with the units or doors that aren’t supposed to have a kitchen. I haven’t heard back from Roger yet.

I also heard from Margate Fire Chief Adams. He thanked me for the info. Adams said he forwarded the info to the city officials responsible for issues like this: Solicitor John Scott Abbott, Zoning Chief Roger McLarnon and Construction Official, Jim Galantino. I’ve heard nothing from any of them so far.

I asked: with the information I provided, is it time to start knocking on doors?

Zoning Officer Roger McLarnon wants the Baglivo renters to address the city. I don’t think that will happen. Too much fear of breaking their leases or losing their apartments.

The pictures I sent should be all the proof needed to knock on doors and talk to the renters.

Patrick Geddes, Margate.

It would only take one or two renters to confirm everything. But for some reason, Margate leadership doesn’t want to do that. It’s easier to take Mr. Baglivo’s and Mr. Goldstein’s word of 6 units with no parking restrictions.

It seems the city is content with statements from Mr. Abbott and Mr. Goldstein. Developer Baglivo will be converting the units from apartments to condo’s in approx. 3 months. Then, they’ll have to be 6 units with assigned parking in the lot. 

In my opinion, they know about the zoning violations and parking restrictions. They just don’t care to pursue it.

It was mentioned to me that all rentals must have leases registered with the city. This was being looked into for the last week and a half.

To date, I’ve been told by the city that it looks like they’re missing leases. They have names and unit numbers. These leases should be available to the city.

In closing, since there’s no Live Video ZOOM of these meetings, please attend and ask questions about these issues.

These are recorded sessions. Audio only. Everything said is on the record.

Please ask Mayor Collins to do what other towns are doing. Live ZOOM video for these public meetings with the ability for second homeowners to comment and participate remotely.

Patrick Geddes, Margate resident.

Comment: AARON

Listen to the August 2022 Planning Board meeting. Mr Tom Collins recused himself since he felt he had conflicts.

At the last minute, the petitioner changed his ask from 12 units to six units to avoid the variances needed.

Mr Goldstein said commercial parking was 3 spaces. He argued for relief. But when the Chinese restaurant property project was proposed, Goldstein argued to limit development for lack of parking.

Goldstein is not credible, but this board loves “spot zoning”.

This 9700 block of Ventnor Ave, and this neighborhood, are under siege.

Who does this board represent? The mayor needs an independent outside counsel to provide real answers.

Margate Mayor Mike Collins needs to recuse himself like his father (Tom) did back in August 2022.


9 thoughts on “Residents Invited To Address Margate Mayor About Baglivo Apartment Complex Issues”

  1. Listen to the August 2022 Planning Board meeting. Mr Tom Collins recused himself since he felt he had conflicts.

    At the last minute, the petitioner changed his ask from 12 units to six units to avoid the variances needed.

    Mr Goldstein said commercial parking was 3 spaces. He argued for relief. But when the Chinese restaurant property project was proposed, Goldstein argued to limit development for lack of parking.

    Goldstein is not credible, but this board loves “spot zoning”.

    This 9700 block of Ventnor Ave, and this neighborhood, are under siege.

    Who does this board represent? The mayor needs an independent outside counsel to provide real answers.

    Margate Mayor Mike Collins needs to recuse himself like his father (Tom) did back in August 2022.

  2. Who would rent an apartment without a kitchen?

    If the kitchens were removed did Baglivo take everything back to Colmar?

    This whole thing reeked of corruption !!!!

    A big cover up from Mayor Collins and down.

  3. Disturbing events I have been following on the Baglivo# of units issue. For the May 2 meeting coming up some thoughts:

    If it’s true that 12 separate apartments exist, created within a design for 6 units, then it can be a serious fire/life safety violation.

    This type of violation is typically looked into ‘without’ a resident stepping forward. Why? Because an out-of-control fire in a building, where the egress routes have not been inspected per the approved professional design documents, can get out of control and affect the adjacent properties.

    City officials would inherently ‘want’ to look into this to protect all residents. without a resident complaining.

    This type of violation may affect many others lives: Town officials whose duties are to manage or look into these potential violations should all be concerned about this from a simple minimum view of Public Safety.

    Most Fire Departments visit a new property so they can strategize on how to fight a future fire. Most all municipalities’ departments do this.

    Fire Dept typically reviews the building, egress routes, type of fire alarm system installed, etc.; all to strategize how to fight a future fire and protect their own firemen and the residents while doing so.

    Fire Depts perform a minimum annual check on a building to confirm it is still meeting fire codes per town ordinance.

    How can the Fire Dept fight a fire not knowing the number of units and the Construction official would have seen this when performing inspections and the FINAL CO inspection. what does the Fire Chief expected to fight a fire event in this building say he saw when visiting?

    I’m embarrassed for the Margate Officials that are putting ‘all’ residents’ safety at risk by not performing a simple investigation into this buildings design and enforcing approvals attached to this property and development.

    NJ DCA regulatory affairs inspectors would have a field day if after all the positioning by Baglivo and Margate Officials were found to be intentionally obscuring easily determined violations which can be mitigating public safety measures from being enforced.

    Anyone on a board in the State of NJ looking at voting for grants, etc. for Margate will think twice about voting to assign funds to Margate.

    This being the seemingly obvious and continued misrepresentation of the residents being exhibited on a daily basis. I know I will.

    Do the right thing.
    Sincerely — Phil
    for reference:
    Mr Collins – Mayor
    Mr. Abbott – City Solicitor
    Mr. McLarnon – Zoning Officer
    Mr. Galantino – Contruction Office
    Ms. Horn – Commissioner of Public Safety
    Mr. Blumberg – Commissioner Revenue / Finance
    Mr. Adams – Fire Chief

  4. Margate solicitor John Scott Abbott now saying there are six units and in this affluent community, 5 of these units have a renter who has roommates.

    He can’t understand why the people in these units don’t use the parking space. Nothing can be proven.

    Our Margate codes have a provision if zoning violations are suspected that the following can be done:

    1. Ask to re-inspect the unit.
    2. If not allowed to enter the units, go to a Margate judge and get an order to enter.

    Why isn’t this happening? Why wait until someone new leases? I think a new city solicitor should be hired immediately to rid the city of corruption.

    1. Scott Marcus

      Attended meeting last night. As stated, apartments look well done.

      I stated that it is my understanding that the developers seem to make the decisions with some rubber stamping by the commissions and professionals.

      I do not think they are malicious or corrupt, just lazy.

      When the building inspector is disrespectful to citizen complaints, as an example, rather than investigate the complaints, it sends a bad message.

      When the solicitor, who seems like a nice man, in response to my inquiry as to why there is no inspections, say “I drive past there every day and I don’t see any problems”, Margate, in my opinion, is at a crossroads and we need the professionals to step up their game.

      To the new mayor, who’s looking out for the citizens and takes a thoughtful approach, keep up the good efforts.

  5. Interesting that the attorney representing this owner seems to be involved with a lot of shady builders in Margate

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